World-class copywriters are prescribing this painful exercise — why?

Because it works. Transcribing proven ads by hand (copyworking) is the fastest way to become a master copywriter. This website is the HOME of copyworking. (Subscribe to access Audio Swipefile Vol. 1 and more copyworking tools to come)

Get a catalogue of classic ads in audio format...

You'll have the opportunity to:

👉 Listen to proven ads from world class copywriters while doing other tasks (driving, washing dishes, walking etc...)

👉 Transcribe without having to look back and forth between the ad and your writing

👉 Internalize the voice, tone and style of the most successful copywriters

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Here's what pro copywriters have to say about copyworking:

Get yourself a collection of good ads and DM pieces and read them aloud and copy them in your own handwriting.

Gary Halbert - Legendary Copywriter

Handwriting great copy is best way to improve your copywriting skills. When you come across my copy or someone else's effective copy, especially a control piece that is working for a period of time, hand write it, word for word. You will be exposed to the writer's thinking process. You'll also gain a deeper sense of how ideas should flow to a logical

Ted Nicholas - Master Copywriter

After a while, you get a feel for the copywriter’s sense of style, pacing (you can only learn pacing by doing it), and methods of structuring a sales pitch. Yes, it’s tedious. And yes, your hand WILL likely cramp up. But it’s well worth it.

Ben Settle - Email Marketing Master

Copywork is the fastest and best way to become a better writer. But for some reason very few people know about it.

Sam Parr - Founder at The Hustle

If you want to learn how to write great ads…
Then part of your daily routine should be to transcribe great (read: proven) headlines, subheads, bullets, sentences, paragraphs, and even entire sales letters over and over and again.

Eddie Shleyner - Copywriter & Founder at

By simply handwriting out the exact ad he made, I was able to “get in his head” and learn indirectly from Gary Halbert on my own time. I started noticing small details like: How he indents his paragraphs. How he uses extremely simple words. How he asks for the sale “without” really asking. How he uses punctuation. How he starts his letters with an address and phone number. How he finishes his sales letters with a P.S. How long it takes to simply write out one letter.
….and much much more….

Neville Medhora - Copywriter & Founder at

... if you want to master the art of copywriting and stand out among your peers, you must develop the sorts of skills that can only be absorbed by internalizing those from the works of the masters.
... reading masterful copy aloud is a sound approach to internalizing these skills. Typing adds a bit because the memory is stored in two dimensions: aurally and ‘digitally.’ And handwriting masterful copy might be even better than typing simply because it requires more neuro-physical activity than typing.

Mark Ford - Multi-Million Dollar Copywriter

Writing out a control by hand works in several ways. The longer the letter the better, because you actually see the little nuances throughout the sales letter … the choice of words the writer used, the transitions from one thought to another, one paragraph to another, you understand how the golden thread is woven through the letter.

Sandy Franks - Senior Copy Chief at AWAI


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Meet the Founder

I believe copyworking builds great copywriters. That's why I founded — to make copyworking a more enjoyable experience.

Mateo Cavestany

Entrepreneur - Conversion Copywriter


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